Coronavirus Food Assistance program (cfap 1)
1. CFAP Website - Livestock Specific
2. Coronavirus Food Assistance Program FAQ's (USDA)
4. KLA CFAP Webinar - Slide Deck
1. KLA letter to USDA Regarding Deficiencies in CFAP (6-4-20)
- USDA's Response to KLA's Letter (6-16-20)
2. KLA Sends Letter To USDA Regarding Market Investigation (4-2-20)
3. NCBA Letter To President Trump Urging Expansion Of Market Investigation (4-8-20)
4. KLA's Statement on Production Sales and Auction Market Sales
5. NCBA Letter to the White House (3-17-20)
6. Letter to NAMI and Four Major Beef Packing Companies (3-18-20)
7. Update from the Livestock Marketing Association
9. Beef Checkoff COVID-19 Response
10. Economic Damages to the U.S. Beef Cattle Industry Due to COVID-19 Executive Summary
11. KLA Urges Secretary Perdue to Raise Payment Limit for CFAP
12. KLA Sends Letter to Secretary Norman - Critical Infrastructure Quarantine in Agriculture
13. President Trump's Executive Order To Keep Plants Open
14. Kansas Executive Order Requiring Masks Defined
2. Expanded Emergency Declaration Regarding Hours of Service
3. Guidance on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce
4. Critical Infrastructure Employee Sample Document
5. KDA Guidance for Livestock Markets
7. Paycheck Protection Program Borrower Application
8. Ongoing Effect on Livestock Markets from Covid-19 - Glynn Tonsor
9. Pandemic Injects Volatility Into Cattle Market - AFBA
10. Kansas Stay Home Order (English)
11. Kansas Stay Home Order (Spanish)
12. Families First Coronavirus Response Act Employee Rights Poster
14. Coronavirus Training Programs (Sample document)
Members are encouraged to contact KLA with any questions or concerns about the current situation.