The KLA Legislative Meeting and Dinner is scheduled for February 19 at the Townsite Tower (534 S. Kansas Ave.) in Topeka. All meetings and meals held throughout the day will take place at this location. The day will start with a complimentary lunch at 11:30 a.m., sponsored by ...
Josh Mueller of Halstead has been appointed vice chair of the Kansas Beef Council (KBC). He, along with KBC Chairman Jake Pannbacker from Washington, will lead the council over the next year. Mueller is a fourth-generation farmer and rancher. In 2019, he and his wife, Macey, p...
Twenty individuals from across Kansas have been named to the 2025 KLA Young Stockmen’s Academy (YSA). The class will spend the next year learning more about KLA and traveling throughout the state, touring various segments of the beef and dairy industries. The program, sponsore...
As a reminder, the Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) is available to livestock producers impacted by the recent winter weather. The program provides reimbursement for a portion of the value of livestock lost in excess of normal mortality due to a qualifying disaster event such...