KBC Promotes Benefits Of Beef For Heart Month

February 12, 2024

In recognition of Heart Month, the Kansas Beef Council (KBC) will be sharing the benefits of including lean beef in a heart-healthy diet with various health professionals throughout February. This will include providing American Heart Association-certified recipe cards and other resources to cardiac rehab centers around the state.

Additionally, full-page print and digital ads have been placed in publications read by thousands of Kansas and Kansas City-area nurses, dietitians and physicians. These ads share the different heart-health research studies available and how lean beef can fit into a heart-healthy lifestyle.

There are more than 30 scientific studies that support the role of lean beef in a heart-healthy diet, with one of the most notable being Beef in an Optimal Lean Diet. KBC uses these beef checkoff-funded studies to interact directly with health professionals and correct misconceptions about lean beef’s potential role in a heart-healthy diet.