Congress Extends Farm Bill One Year

November 17, 2023

Congress passed a government funding package this week that includes an extension of the 2018 Farm Bill and Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR). The farm bill was extended through September 30, 2024, with LMR not expiring until January 19, 2024. The resolution now goes to President Joe Biden, who is expected to sign it.

“These extensions give much needed certainty to cattle producers and NCBA will continue engaging with Congress and the Biden administration as they work to deliver a long-term farm bill, as well as a clean reauthorization of Livestock Mandatory Reporting,” said NCBA President Todd Wilkinson, a South Dakota cattle producer.

Along with extending the farm bill, the resolution also makes some adjustments to dairy programs, such as extending the Dairy Forward Pricing Program to 2027. It would suspend the “permanent price support authorities” for commodities as well through the end of 2024.